The good, the bad and the unspeakably ugly and everything in between, so help us!
Yes, Intel's CEO may have another occasion at which to sport the clean room outfit he donned onstage with Apple’s Chief Jerkoff Steve Jobs at the Macworld conference in January 2006. Two years ago, Otellini handed Jobs a pristine silicon wafer to mark the announcement of the first Intel-powered Apple portable computer, the MacBook Pro.
When you think of us gentle reader, and you will, we hope you will be kind.
Reuters warns chatroom romantics to beware: your next chat may be with a clinical computer, not a passionate person, trying to win your personal data and not your heart, an online security firm says.
Manhunt 2 will receive 18 certificate in the
Rockstar Games, the development studio behind the title, took its case to the Video Appeals Committee, a panel of the BBFC, which ruled in Rockstar's favour.
Analysts said some potential business buyers are holding out for a model that runs on newer technology that enables faster web connections. AT&T, the exclusive,39024643,39169409,00.htm
Is anyone seriously surprised? Game Group reported a 44 per cent increase in like-for-like sales for the year to date as consumers flocked to stores to buy Nintendo's DS and Wii consoles.
I've definitely learned something in recent weeks about reacting to the inevitable problems that will happen in life--how it can be possible to turn a problem into a huge opportunity, but also how a problem can become an even bigger problem overnight with neglect.
So it came out last week that Apple had been saving a bit of money. They are likely going to buy something and the internet blew up with ideas on what that should be. Ars came up with Adobe, Tivo, Nintendo. We aren't feeling any of those - here's why:
* Adobe - there is too much overlap in products. Final Cut/Premiere. Aperture/Lightroom, etc, etc. Adobe has a great portfolio of applications but overall the line isn't close enough to Apple's core competency. Plus the two companies aren't getting along that well anymore. Adobe is also pricey.
* Tivo - It is a great technology for the next 3-5 years. Soon though, networks will be broadcasting their content over the net by themselves. The technology to leverage advertising will make them more than the currently falling costs of broadcasting over the net - so it won't matter. As someone who has to watch college football on a slingbox, I say hurry the fsck up.
* Nintendo - great idea, but they are too expensive. Any buyout of Nintendo would have to be more like a merger. Can you see Steve Jobs agreeing to a merger and taking in top management? Us neither.
* Clearwire. Fresh off their split from Sprint talks, Clearwire is looking for some more dough. Apple has 15 billion reasons why they should come into the Apple fold. Oh, btw, WiMAX is great match for Apple's new mobile platform.
* Skype - Recently devalued and a bargain. Ebay is looking for a buyer. Over 100 million users. VOIP. Phone Numbers. iPod, iPhone, all makes much more sense.
* 700MHz spectrum. Not a company per se - but a huge amount of power in the telecommunications industry for the next 20+ years. Apple would likely partner with Google and a few other technology giants (MS?) on snapping this up. It goes without saying that tech companies are sick of letting the telecoms tell them how they can use and sell their products. This will be an interesting auction. NFL draft, eat your heart out.
* EDIT - didn't think of it but makes perfect sense. a Studio! Maybe they even roll their own. With the other studios starting to give up on Apple and in some cases giving preferential treatment to other online distributors (see Amazon's DRM free music from Universal), it might be time for Apple to move down the value chain a little. Apple has one of the biggest distribution channels on Earth in iTunes and can offer new artists a really big, hip audience in a tenth of the time it takes traditional studios to get content out. Oh. And why just music? El Jerk knows a few things about running a movie studio (Pixar). - thanks D-Jents
Though mostly speculative, profiles Apple's Vice-President of Industrial Design, Jonathan Ive, as a possible successor CEO to Steve Jobs.
Yahoo, which already owns one of the most successful financial sites on the Web, is putting the final touches on a new online program for technology investors that is scheduled to begin next month.
To be called TechTicker, (a little too cutesy for our taste) the Web program will report exclusively on technology stocks, offering daily streaming-video segments and blog posts, as well as some live coverage of breaking news, said Brian Nelson, a spokesman for Yahoo.
Social networking Web site operator imeem Inc. has signed a licensing deal with Universal Music Group to offer free streaming of music and videos by the record company's artists in exchange for a share of online advertising revenues, the companies said Sunday.
The pact is the latest example of record labels betting on online advertising as a source of revenue amid sinking CD sales. The Web operator already has similar licensing deals with the other three major record labels. Collectively, the four biggest recording companies account for more than 85 percent of music sales so far this year.
(B) Hewlett-Packard (HPQ)
(C) Intel (INTC)
(D) Google (GOOG)
(E) Apple (AAPL)
Could it possibly be true? Has all wit and cleverness already dried up in the naming of Web sites, less than 15 years after the Internet was opened to the public?
Starting immediately, AT&T customers can ditch their AT&T phones and use any wireless phone, device and software application from any maker — think smartphones, e-mail and music downloading. And they don't have to sign a contract.
Google recently announced plans to link arms with more than two dozen wireless companies, including Sprint (S), with the goal of developing an operating system that lets consumers use any application on mobile devices, much as they now do on PCs. Other partners include Japanese cellphone giant DoCoMo and handset maker Samsung.
Our colleagues over at have picked up on a rather interesting post on director
"Microsoft wants both formats to fail so they can be heroes and make the world move to digital downloads," says Bay, who signs off as exactly that.
Having forced AOL and Vonage into settlements, Klausner Technologies turns its attention to Apple and the iPhone.,,,00.asp?success_page=%2Farticle2%2F0%2C1895%2C2228057%2C00.asp
Cisco Systems is filling its head of technology spot with the one-day former CTO of Motorola.
Deutsche Telekom's T-Mobile unit won a German court decision upholding the telco's deal to exclusively sell locked Apple ) iPhones.
"It is a really human problem. The human element plays a massive role."
--George Stathakopoulos, head of Microsoft's security response efforts
Funny how their names keep coming up over and over again in courtrooms and corridors of power across the country--those groups whose interests always seem to run counter to those of technology companies and consumers. They come in many forms: associations, think tanks, money-raising organizations, PACs, and even other tech-oriented industries like telecommunications.
Issue: Copyright and Fair Use
Represented by Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association (PhRMA) and Patent Attorneys
Issue: Patent Reform
"Basically, two constituencies oppose patent reform: The biomedical industry--pharmaceutical and biotech companies--who rely on patents and want them to be as strong as possible, and patent lawyers, who are both resistant to change in general and likely fearful of how reform will affect their practices," explains Stanford Law Professor Mark Lemley.
Issue: Network Neutrality
But so far there's been no smoking-gun evidence that the "Internet tollbooths" Whitacre alludes to are being set up on a large scale--that major net neutrality breaches are taking place at the big ISPs. We've seen only borderline offenses like traffic Comcast's recent throttling back of BitTorrent file sharing. But Comcast may have singled out BitTorrent traffic not because it's BitTorrent traffic or because it's file sharing traffic, but because peer-to-peer traffic eats up huge amounts of bandwidth--both upstream and downstream. Still, many people believe that some type of traffic discrimination is inevitable, and that network neutrality principles must be codified into law to prevent it.