Wall Street Wonderland

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

China Hopes To Cure Internet Addicts At Boot Camp

You vill take your medicine and you vill like it!

China is launching an experimental summer camp for 40 youngsters to try to wean them off their Internet addiction, state media said on Tuesday. The 10-day programme would accept youngsters aged between 14 and 22 once they had undergone a psychological test and evaluation, the China Daily said.

About 2.6 million -- or 13% -- of China's 20 million Internet users under 18 are classed as addicts, state media have reported. The youngsters at the summer camp would be treated for depression, fear, unwillingness to interact with others, panic, and agitation.

It would appear to be offering a kinder, gentler option than the Internet Addiction Treatment Centre near Beijing which uses a blend of therapy and military drills to treat children addicted to online games, Internet pornography, and cybersex.

Concerned by a number of high-profile Internet-related deaths and juvenile crime, the government is now taking steps to stem Internet addictions by banning new Internet cafes and mulling restrictions on violent computer games.

According to government figures, there are currently 113,000 Internet cafes and bars in China.

In a joint effort with the camp, Shanghai's education commission has organised a vigilante group to patrol the city streets and stop minors entering Internet cafes.



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