Time To Change Microsoft/Yahoo: a Much Better Deal
* Yahoo is desperately casting around for any escape route,
* Microsoft shareholders are storming off in disgust,
* Google is firing up a
* Yahoos and Microsofties have stopped working and started sending out resumes
* Barry Diller is celebrating a couple of years of deal purgatory,
* Microsoft's plunging stock price is reducing the value of the bid (now down to about $29 and counting)
* Microsoft will either have to take on more debt or more dilution--or Yahoo will have to take less money.
* Many analysts (including us) think the deal would be a disaster.
* Microsoft and Yahoo still get to combine forces against Google
* The stand-alone company can build its own identity, culture, strategy
* The stand-alone company can issue stock options, make acquisitions, and compete with Microsoft (which it will almost certainly have to do to succeed)
* Microsoft can continue to focus on its core mission--software.
* Microsoft's shareholders will benefit from the New-Yahoo upside (and have a hedge against the core business)
* The deal can be done immediately, with no purgatory.
* No tax hit for long-term Yahoo shareholders.
* No dilution to Microsoft shareholders.
* Yahoo can be fixed without being destroyed.
* Easier for the stand-alone company to acquire the wreckage of AOL
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