Wall Street Wonderland

The good, the bad and the unspeakably ugly and everything in between, so help us!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Put your questions to Bill Gates

Bill Gates is to answer your questions at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

The software supremo and co-founder of Microsoft is preparing to step down from the helm of one of the largest and most powerful companies in the world.

As he gets ready to leave, one of the most important men in technology over the last three decades has invited readers of the BBC News website to send him questions about his life and career.

Perhaps you have always wanted to know what the inspiration was behind Windows. Maybe you want to know what it is like being one of the world's richest men. Or maybe you are more interested in the philanthropic career he has planned after he steps down.

Hey Wall Street Wonderland watchers, all two or three of you, paste this onto your browser and check it out.



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