Wall Street Wonderland

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Music honcho: We were morons to wage war on consumers

Apple iTunes"Speaking at the GSMA Mobile Asia Congress in Macau, Edgar Bronfman told mobile operators that they must not make the same mistake that the music industry made," Simon Aughton reports for MacUser.

"'We used to fool ourselves,' he said. 'We used to think our content was perfect just exactly as it was. We expected our business would remain blissfully unaffected even as the world of interactivity, constant connection and file sharing was exploding. And of course we were wrong. How were we wrong? By standing still or moving at a glacial pace, we inadvertently went to war with consumers by denying them what they wanted and could otherwise find and as a result of course, consumers won,'" Aughton reports.

"Bronfman suggested that mobile companies have much to learn from Apple, despite being critical of and iTunes in the past," Aughton reports. Bronfman also praised Apple's iTunes Store, iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store, and iPhone/iPod touch.

Aughton reports, "Bronfman appears to be experiencing an epiphany when it comes to digital music. From threatening to withdraw from iTunes and suggesting that to drop DRM would be 'without logic or merit,' he is now heaping praising on Apple and recently opened a DRM-free section on Warner's own Classics and Jazz music store."



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