Wall Street Wonderland

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Worm In The Apple?

Apple Chief Steve (The Jerkster) Jobs' not-so-secret plan to take over the world is going well. On the desktop, Apple's Macs are chewing away at Dell and Gateway's market share. The iPod has squashed Microsoft's Zune beneath its tank treads. Now the iPhone threatens to roll through the wireless industry like a monster truck. Apple shares are up more than 50% so far this year.

The only problem: While Apple's shares are soaring, its customer satisfaction marks are slipping. Apple's mark on the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index slipped four points to 79 for the second quarter, down from 83 during the year-ago period. Sure, Apple's customer marks remain at the top of the industry. But it's not a trend any Mac owner would like to see continue.

The stakes are high: The slip comes as Apple is launching a complex new product, the iPhone. More ominously, customer service problems were one of the first signs that Apple rival Dell was losing its edge. While it led the industry in 2000, it now ranks behind Apple, Hewlett-Packard and Gateway .

So, should Apple users worry? Not yet. On the desktop, part of the slip may stem from the fact that Apple is grabbing customers from other computer makers. Mac sales alone have grown at three times the rate of the overall computer industry this year, with the one-time niche computer retailer now selling one out of 20 personal computers in the U.S. "Some of those switchers are coming over, and it's like learning a new language to a certain extent," says Jim Gillespie of the Napa Macintosh Users Group.

Moreover, Apple's small size makes it easier to simply spend more on customer service as it adds customers. Unlike Dell, Apple still owns just a thin slice of the computer market. As a result, there's plenty of room for it to grow its profits by simply selling more machines, rather than selling them more cheaply. "The scale of the numbers that Dell was dealing with was, and is, very, very different," says Crawford Del Prete, senior vice president at tech market researcher IDC.

However, things get trickier in Apple's newest business. The iPhone puts Apple's reputation, in part, in the hands of AT&T . The wireless carrier's customer satisfaction scores consistently lag those of rivals Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile USA. And AT&T has already screwed up by sending out itemized phone bills as long as 300 pages, despite an all-you-can-eat service plan. "It's a partnership," Del Prete says. "If Apple is the right hand, then AT&T is certainly the left."

Don't expect this to get too far out of hand. if Jobs is anything, Jobs is an anal-retentive control freak: Apple rolls its own operating system, it runs its own stores, it has even built its own Web browser and spreadsheet software. By contrast, Dell has to field customer queries about software that it doesn't make, such as Microsoft's operating system. "With Macs, the company is in control of everything," says Gillespie. "Whereas with those other people, there's no one in charge of the asylum."

As a result, it's too early for Apple loyalists to worry about a blip in Apple's customer-satisfaction scores. But AT&T may want to watch its step. Jobs has shown he's willing to chuck an inconvenient business partner--as he did with IBM, which once supplied Apple's processors--if they stumble. If Apple has to build its own phone network to get it right, it might. It might even make money at it.



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