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Re: Brilliant move? NO! (1 Rating) 29-Jan-04 01:30 am
I've stated my identity on this board before, but no one apparently believed me. I am George W. Bush and a long-time customer of Whole Foods Market. I own quite a bit of stock in the company and have owned it since the IPO back in 1992. HOG152 is my father, George H.W. Bush.
Ideas are ideas, facts are facts, and arguments are arguments. They all stand (or fall) on their own regardless of their source. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what my non-screen identity really is or what yours is or who anyone else's is on this board. dcc7 has claimed that my true identity is John Mackey. You can believe that one or not. Doesn't matter to me. If I really am Mackey then I'm the ultimate insider at Whole Foods and you would be well served to pay attention to what I have to say on this board. If you don't believe I'm Mackey (admittedly the idea seems pretty far fetched) then you should still pay attention to what I have to say on this board if my ideas and arguments make sense. If they don't make sense or you disagree with me--well that's what bulletin boards like this are all about.
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