Wall Street Wonderland

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Business.com: yours for $400m

Party like it's 1999, multiplied by 53

A piece of prime web real estate, which set a price record at the height of the dotcom bubble, is being punted to potential buyers for up to $400m. Jake Winebaum and Sky Dayton, the two entrepreneurs who bought the business.com domain for $7.5m in December 1999, are ready to cash in, according to the WSJ.

The price tag is between $300m and $400m, the paper reports, and the auction is attracting interest from US media groups Dow Jones and The New York Times Company.

Insiders said business.com's revenues are about $15m. Having bagged that on the back of a basic link dump page, the asking price might not seem all that unreasonable to a prospective owner with decent content to hawk.



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