Wall Street Wonderland

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Breakthrough: Blu-ray pulls ahead in video tech battle

Blu-ray has struck a major blow in its long-running battle to become the most popular video technology. In a few years’ time all films will be released for sale on a high definition disc – offering viewers at home crystal clear quality.

However, neither the film studios, nor consumers, have chosen their favourite format.

The race between Blu-ray, backed by Sony, and rival Toshiba-backed HD DVD echoes a similar race in the 1980s between Betamax and VHS format video machines.

Yesterday film rental firm Blockbuster came out in favour of Blu-Ray, saying it is to rent high-definition DVDs in the Blu-ray format only at 1,450 of its US stores.

The move follows a trial at 250 stores where both were available – and rentals of Blu-ray disc “significantly outpaced” HD DVD.

“The consumers are sending us a message. I can’t ignore what I’m seeing,” said Matthew Smith, at Blockbuster. The victory for Blu-ray will be a boost for all British owners of Playstation 3, which is capable of playing Blu-Ray films.



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