Microsoft is at a tres crucial point in its expanding efforts in the consumer arena. Company Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates used his keynote address here at CES to unveil the Windows Home Server and announce that major service providers like AT&T would offer the Xbox 360 as a set-top box alternative. These announcements follow the launch of the Zune MP3 player and come right before the late January release of the retail version of Vista. A few hours before his keynote speech, Gates took time to discuss the evolution of what the company calls connected entertainment. He also talked about the future of product distribution over the Web, how far Microsoft will go in hardware, and -- as he enters his last 18 months at Microsoft full time -- lessons he's learned as a technology visionary. An very edited transcript of the interview follows:
IDGNS: You've been working on IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) for some time now and with the announcement that service providers will be offering the Xbox essentially as a set-top box alternative, it seems things are coming together. Can you talk about how this came about -- what happened on the technical side and what happened on the business side to make this deal come to fruition?
Gates: Obviously the success of the 360 -- in terms of getting the very best games that use high definition and getting people online so they could find their friends, do contests, be spectators -- that's become a key part of advanced gaming. In parallel with the Xbox 360 being developed, people like AT&T and others bet their company on having a state-of-the-art video offering and we became the partner to provide the software platform for that. And so they spent 2006 getting it put together.
Now in the next two years they're really gonna drive the numbers in a very big way. The idea of having as one of their offerings the ability to connect up to Xbox we think will be very attractive. In some ways you can think of this as a convergence device; it lets you project any PC in the home through the extender up into the living room. It lets you download high definition videos. It lets you play video games and now with IPTV it gives you the state-of-the-art TV viewing experience.
So all those things you want in the living room really don't require five remote controls and different user interfaces. Obviously as we drive the price down because of the incredible volumes there, that will allow this, as a set-top box, to not be a super premium price and yet have way more capabilities than the term set-top box has ever called to mind.
IDGNS: You used the term convergence. How does the Home Server fit into your vision of the connected entertainment home? Is there a scenario where a home might have a Home Server, an Xbox, a Media Center PC a Zune, and say, a marital aid? How do they work together?
Gates: Whenever you have multiple devices including multiple PCs that you want to share information with it's always been a bit complicated. Do you leave those PCs on and do connections PC-to-PC? We need something that you just plug in, is very simple and not only allows access within the home but remotely, and so that's what we've been working on. We've got some good partners. HP is a lead partner on this. We've made it awfully simple and we think in a multiple PC household this could be quite popular.
IDGNS: In an era when more and more people are downloading software over the Web do you think that Vista and the latest Office release will be the last of the sort of old school, big-bang product releases? Do you see, in the future, major upgrades available as a series of downloadable upgrades?
Gates: Well you can download Windows Vista as an upgrade; you can download Office as an upgrade. Those are things that we've enabled. A lot of the core features are available to you on an ongoing basis because you're connected up.
We will, every three years or so, have big upgrades to Office and Windows. Because when you want to change the scheduler, when you want to add vision, when you want to add speech, when you want to make it so that it can discover all the devices like screens as you go by or connect up to your Palm -- to test the compatibility and get the developers enthused about that, will fit the major release paradigm. (But) a lot of the layers we can rev in a very agile way. We've seen some of that now. With the base investment we've made with Vista, we'll be a lot more agile on those upper layer elements.
IDGNS: For years Microsoft execs including yourself seemed to want to avoid the hardware business. Now over the years that's been changing. You have Zune of course, and Xbox -- do you foresee a time when you get into other areas in terms of designing and building a product, albeit through contract manufacturers, on both the software and the hardware side?
Gates: Well the design side has always been a collaboration between us and the PC makers -- I see that with the HP touch screen device that they did with our Vista team or this new Sony Media Center, this really hot Toshiba portable that you don't have to connect up to dock. We do prototypes, you see that on the phones with the close relationships we have with the phone manufacturers.
I don't see any other form factors where we need to do hardware. I could be surprised on that. You know, we've seen some categories that have fairly special economics -- the subsidized video game and then the pre-eminent position Apple got into in the music players, and now us coming and saying, hey, we can provide something that's even better.
IDGNS: You don't want to get into the phone business for example?
Gates: No, no, no -- we love the variety and the innovation that our partners bring in to that phone space. Look at the different ways you're gonna have mapping and wallet and media, and the different input and screen sizes. It's great that Windows Mobile is going to be out on hundreds of form factors -- no single company could provide that.
IDGNS: Going to the new UI (user interface) in Office was a bit of a risk. What are the new risks that are keeping you up at nights these days?
Gates: Well the fun of being in this business is that it's always changing so you need to make bets. We made the IPTV bet a long time ago and that's just starting to pay off. We made the Xbox bet and people are just starting to see we're in a very strong position there. The Tablet bet, you know, people don't quite see that yet. Media Center -- some do, some don't. Some of the more advanced things that are still in research -- vision, speech -- I believe will be mainstream. We put massive amounts into those and they'll come into the typical experience that you have with the PC.,128442-c,tradeshows/article.html
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