Wall Street Wonderland

The good, the bad and the unspeakably ugly and everything in between, so help us!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Craigslustspotting: Busty blond saint seeks Wall Street Commando

This was spotted on Craigslist early this morning, but alas, you commandoes out there, it has been pulled.

Recent Ivy grad, college athlete, and all around great girl seeks a Wall Street type professional. I am fascinated with the world of law and high finance. Lawyers, deal makers, hedge fund, LBO fund are the boys I dig.

I am pretty, swimmer body, cool green eyes, and pouty lips. I also travel in circles of lots of gorgeous, single girls in their 20s. I am a very good girl to know ;)

Make sure that your response is in good taste because I will not respond to shirtless losers pictured in bleak surroundings. Good luck boys!


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