Wall Street Wonderland

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Bonus Outlook: Up, up and Away! What about yours?

Wall Street bonuses are on track to exceed last year's totals, including a 20% to 25% surge for stock-focused investment bankers, according to a forecast this week by compensation-consulting firm Johnson Associates Inc.

In 2005, the average bonus on Wall Street was $125,500, up 10% from 2004 -- with top bonuses going to mergers-and-acquisitions bankers, who saw deal volume rise 28% in 2005. Investment bankers generally earn base salaries of $150,000 to $300,000, according to estimates.

Stock businesses -- both trading and the underwriting of new stock issues -- will benefit from higher trading activity, valuations and international results, the survey suggests. A strong year for proprietary trading, or bets made with the firms' own capital, is also expected to boost compensation payouts.

Overall compensation is expected to rise about 15%, with retail bankers bringing up the rear with 5% to 10% increases. Mergers-and-acquisitions bankers can expect year-end increases of about 25% this year, Johnson said.



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