Wall Street Wonderland

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Morgan Stanley: Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On!

Shake ‘em, but don’t break ‘em! Morgan Stanley shook up the leadership of its Italian and Swiss units, with a focus on growth in Italy's midcap corporate sector.

The New York-based firm said Dante Roscini will become chief executive and country head of the bank's Italian business. Mr. Roscini, who will report to Jonathan Chenevix-Trench, chairman of Morgan Stanley International, will keep his role as head of investment banking for Italy.

Roscini succeeds Galeazzo Pecori-Giraldi as CEO and country head. Mr. Pecori-Giraldi will remain chairman of Morgan Stanley's Italian business and will become chairman of the Swiss private-banking unit.

Pecori-Giraldi will "lead a new initiative directed at capturing the substantial wealth management and investment-banking growth opportunities in the [Italian] midcap corporate sector," Morgan Stanley said.



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